sponsored by ASTM Committee E-9 on Fatigue.
astm committee e-9 on fatigue
astm committee e-24 on fracture testing
abelkis, p. r
american society of civil engineers
astm committee d-30 on high modulus fibers and their composites
brown, m. w
bucci, r. j
crooker, t. w
hudak, s. j
lauraitis, k. n
leis, b. n
miller, k. j
mowbray, d. f
potter, j. m
reifsnider, k. l
sanders, b. a
society of automotive engineers
spera, david a
sponsored by astm committee e-9 on fatigue
sponsored by astm committee e-9 on fatigue and committee d-30 on high modulus fibers and their composites, american society for testing and materials, denver, colo., 15-16 nov. 1976 ; k. l. reifsnider and k. n. lauraitis, editors