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公开/私有: 公开 私有
检索词: organized in Vienna by the International Atomic Energy Agency. , 检索到: 19 条结果, 检索时间: 0.33 秒 , 排序选项: 排序方式: 隐藏分类导航


  1. international atomic energy agency (19)
  2. joint fao/iaea division of atomic energy in food and agriculture (4)
  3. food and agriculture organization of the united nations (2)
  4. oecd nuclear energy agency (2)
  5. world health organization (2)
  6. advisory group meeting on nutritional evaluation of cereal mutants, (1)
  7. advisory group meeting on tumour localization with radioactive agents, (1)
  8. food and agricultural organization of the united nations (1)
  9. gesellschaft für strahlen- und umweltforschung (1)
  10. international civil aviation organization (1)
  11. international seminar on diagnosis and treatment of incorporated radionuclides, (1)
  12. international symposium on induced mutations as a tool for crop plant improvement (1)
  13. jointly organized by the food and agriculture organization of the united nations and the international atomic energy agency with the co-operation of the swedish international development authority (sida) and held in vienna, 31 jan.-4 feb. 1977 (1)
  14. jointly organized by the international atomic energy agency and the food and agriculture organization of the united nations and held in vienna, 9-13 march 1981 (1)
  15. jointly organized by the international atomic energy agency and the oecd nuclear energy agency and held in vienna, 28 february-4 march 1977 (1)
  16. jointly organized by the joint fao/iaea division of atomic energy in food and agriculture, the food policy and nutrition division of fao, and the gesellschaft für strahlen-und umweltforschung, munich, and held in vienna, 26-30 july 1976 (1)
  17. organized by the international atomic energy agency and held in vienna, 20-24 october 1975 (1)
  18. organized by the international atomic energy agency and held in vienna, 23-27 august 1976 (1)
  19. organized by the international atomic energy agency and held in vienna, 25-29 nov. 1974 (1)
  20. organized by the international atomic energy agency and held in vienna, 27-31 january 1975 (1)