by Bronislaw Malinowski ...
malinowski, bronislaw,
by bronislaw malinowski
edited by helena wayne
masson, elsie,
wayne, helena,
by bronislaw malinowski ; complete in one volume ; with a preface by havelock ellis
by bronislaw malinowski ; preface by sir james g. frazer
by c.k. ogden and i.a. richards; with supplementary essays by b. malinowski and f.g. crookshank
by elliot smith, d. sc., bronislaw malinowski, d. sc., herbert j. spinden, ph. d., alex. goldenweiser, ph. d
crookshank, f. g
ellis, havelock,
goldenweiser, alexander,
ogden, c. k
richards, i. a
smith, grafton elliot,
spinden, herbert joseph,