University of London Press Ltd.
hoptman, laura j.,
published under the auspices of imperial chemical industries ltd
(fairgrieve, james
(英)詹姆斯·菲尔格里夫(james fairgrieve)著
[contributed by] william a. ewing, barbara p. hitchcock, deborah g. douglas, gary van zante, rebekka reuter, christopher bonanos, peter buse, dennis jelonnek, john rohrbach
abel, theodore fred,
angelos chaniotis
ball, warwick,
baume, nicholas,
being a report of the council for curriculum reform
benjamin wardhaugh
bonanos, christopher,
british council
brooke-hitching, edward,
buchloh, b. h. d.,
buse, peter,
by carmen haider, ph.d
by r. wallace stewart ; revised and enlarged by john satterly
by robert w. hutchinson