United States Department of the Interior,
united states
geological survey (u.s.)
national retail merchants association
aalto, aino,
aalto, alvar,
american folklife center
artek oy ab
bard graduate center for studies in the decorative arts, design, and culture,
black, megan,
boyle, edward h
brookes, martha h
by edward h. boyle, jr., deborah j. shields, and lorie a. wagner
by fletcher harper swift
by katherine m. cook, chief, division of rural education, bureau of education
by l.b. pankratz
by the american folklife center, library of congress, carried out in cooperation with the national park service, department of the interior ; coordinated by ormond h. loomis
c.y. wen, project director
christensen, harriet h
christopher ketcham
cohen, michael david,