The Institute of Contemporary Art/Boston
united states
african american artists
art, american
art, modern
sculpture, modern
african american sculptors
african american sculpture
african american women artists
art and dance
art and society
beasley, kevin,
bhabha, huma,
bloom, hyman,
clothing and dress in art
cultural industries
death in art
deschenes, liz,
economic aspects
institute of contemporary art (boston, mass.),
respini, eva,
[edited by] louise neri, eva respini
agard-jones, vanessa,
amy, michae?l j
beasley, kevin,
bhabha, huma,
bradford, mark,
bradley, rizvana,
brand, dionne,
by ann vogel
california african-american museum,
delmonico books,
deschenes, liz,
edited by eva respini
edited by eva respini ; with contributions by carter e. foster [and 4 others] ; and a conversation between huma bhabha and sterling ruby
edited by ruth erickson and eva respini
erica e. hirshler with an essay by naomi slipp
erickson, ruth
erickson, ruth,