Superintendent of Documents,
united states
international symposium on the chemistry of cement
[by] rosemond kay bell
[dudley d. fuller, editor]
adams, clyde m
bell, rosemond kay
birren, james e
by [harold t. fullam and bobby p. faulkner]
by c.m. adams, jr. [and] pradeep rohatgi for office of saline water, division of research [sic], branch of physics and surface chemistry
by william e. reifsnyder and howard w. lull
cosponsored by oklahoma state dept. of health [and others]
edited by james e. birren ... [et al.]
environmental protection agency
foreign agricultural service, dept. of agriculture
franklin institute (philadelphia, pa.)
fuller, dudley d
girard, martha b
hall, l. a
international symposium on gas-lubricated bearings
lull, howard william,