Singapore History Museum,
[art director and editor, xavier barral]
[project editor, dorothy stannard]
art science museum at marina bay sands (singapore)
barral, xavier
bentcheva, eva,
bhagwati, annette,
bhagwati, sandeep,
compiled by the lshun museum
corey, pamela n.,
discovery channel (firm)
edited by mark r. frost, daniel schumacher and edward vickers
editors, veronika radulovic, annette bhagwati ; texts, eva bentcheva, annette bhagwati, pamela n. corey, veronika radulovic ; translations, brian ring, do tuong linh, sandeep bhagwati
frost, mark ravinder,
fujiyoshi, keiji,
general editors, john n. miksic, cheryl-ann low mei gek
gretchen liu
hayashi, miho,
kevin y. l. tan
kondo, yasuhisa,
levitt, peggy,