Science Information Resource Center :
moran, barbara b
stueart, robert d
united states
[edited by] leo tan wee hin, r. subramaniam
allan wolf ; illustrated by anna raff
ba, harouna,
barbara b. moran, robert d. stueart, and claudia j. morner
becker, margaret a
by martin david, stephen m. lyth, robert lindner, george f. harrington
culp, katie mcmillan,
david, martin,
deanna b. marcum and gerald george, editors ; foreword by kakugyo s. chiku
dover, paul m.,
dubey, j. p.,
earth resources technology satellite-1 symposium
edited by harouna ba, katie mcmillan culp and margaret honey
edited by john w. white and heather gilbert
edited by mihoko sakurai, rajib shaw
edited by sarah m. ginsberg
freden, stanley c.,