Research Information Ltd.
imperial chemical industries, ltd
andrew j. millington (omni communications) ; editors for atlas/cern, markus nordberg, thorsten wengler, robert mcpherson
andrzej dragan, university of warsaw, poland & national university of singapore, singapore
anthony moss
bandyopadhyay, subir,
bernard marr with matt ward
bikramjit rishi, subir bandyopadhyay
briony j. oates
deschamps, jacqueline,
dragan, andrzej,
ecotec research and consulting limited
edited by pavan kumar, ram kumar singh, manoj kumar, meenu rani, pardeep sharma
editedd by laurent morillon
european commission
food and agriculture organization of the united nations
fujitsū kabushiki kaisha
fujitsū kenkyūjo
hsiao-hwa chen
huguenin, joana,