Published on behalf of ACOL, by J. Wiley,
acol (project)
mowthorpe, david j
author david rendell ; editor david mowthorpe on behalf of acol
author, david a.r. williams ; editor, david j. mowthorpe on behalf of acol
author, ed metcalfe ; editor, f. elizabeth prichard
authors, donald stevenson, keith miller ; editor, anthony c. norris on behalf of acol
authors, james w. dodd, kenneth h. tonge ; editor, brian r. currell
authors, peter a. sewell, brian clarke ; editor, david kealey on behalf of acol
authors, w.o. george, p.s. mcintyre ; editor, david j. mowthorpe on behalf of acol
clarke, brian a
currell, brian r
dodd, james w
george, w. o
kealey, d
mcintyre, p. s
metcalfe, ed
miller, k. j
norris, a. c
prichard, f. elizabeth
rendell, david