Pacific Books International,
american chemical society
guo, yanjun,
new england association of chemistry teachers
pacific southwest association of chemistry teachers
[edited by] ellene tratras contis (eastern michigan university, ypsilanti, michigan), dorothy j. phillips (waters corporation (retired), milford, massachusetts), allison a. campbell (pacific northwest national laboratory, richland, washington), bradley d. miller (american chemical society, washington, dc), lori brown (american chemical society, washington, dc)
abe, shigeyuki,
ahn, yonson,
ahrens, thomas b.,
akaha, tsuneo,
ando, tadao,
andrew r martin
antons, christoph
arindam banik, munim kumar barai, editors
banik, arindam,
barai, munim kumar,
bateman, w. s. g
bebbington, jan
blaxland, john charles,
brabandere, eric de,
brewer, john c.,