National Industrial Conference Board,
national industrial conference board
[by john j. mcmahon and arnold berman, division of business practices]
armed forces food and container institute (u.s.)
berman, arnold
business men's commission on agriculture
chamber of commerce of the united states of america
conference on freeze-drying of foods
david c. mowery, editor
edited by forbes w. sharpley
fisher, frank r
great britain
mattsson, ulf,
mcmahon, john j
mowery, david c
national research council (u.s.)
sharpley, forbes w
sponsored by quartermaster food and container institute for the armed forces, quartermaster research and engineering command, u.s. army quartermaster corps, and general committee on foods, advisory board on quartermaster research and development, division of engineering and industrial research ; edited by frank r. fisher
ulf mattsson