Integrity Research Institute,
ieee solid-state circuits council
edited by benjamin d. koen ; with jacqueline lloyd, gregory barz, and karen brummel-smith, associate editors
institute of electrical and electronics engineers
koen, benjamin d
united nations institute for disarmament research
united states
[sponsored by national science council, roc and industrial technology research institute ; in cooperation with chinese institute of engineers, roc ... et al.]
abromeit, john,
abu-rub, haithem,
acsm, zoltan j.,
aguirre, anthony
aichholzer, georg,
aigbavboa, clinton,
alexander m. sidorkin
alkaabi, khaula,
american institute of aeronautics and astronautics
american peptide society
and compiled by the staff of the bateman manuscript project. [a erdelyi, editor. w. magnus, f. oberhettinger, f. g. tricomi, research associates]
andreas hepp