Information Science Reference, (an imprint of IGI Global),
goundar, sam,
[edited by] john jeyasekar jesubright, p saravanan
[edited by] mika markus mervio?
a. m. viswa bharath, basim alhadidi
agarwal, aarushi,
alhadidi, basim,
alli, mostafa,
anand, r.,
batista, joao carlos lopes,
bharathy, a. m. viswa,
bhushan, bharat
bull, prince hycy,
by jonathan r. white
colleen cool and kwong bor ng, editors
cool, colleen,
d.satish kumar, g. prabhakar, r. anand
del giudice, matteo,
dewani, nisha dhanraj,
distefano, salvatore,
downing, kevin,