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  1. "first published in russian as tchernobylskaia molitva by editions ostojie"--title page verso (1)
  2. authors, russian (1)
  3. bisac category: biography & autobiography | personal memoirs ; history | modern | 20th century - holocaust ; literary criticism | russian & soviet (1)
  4. fiction (1)
  5. moscow region (russia) (1)
  6. russia (federation) (1)
  7. soviet union (1)
  8. theater (1)
  9. translator's preface -- historical note -- prologue. a solitary human voice -- part one. the land of the dead -- about what can be talked about with the living and the dead -- about a whole life written down on doors -- soldiers' chorus -- about what radiation looks like -- about a song without words -- about a homeland -- about repentance -- by those who returned -- part two. the land of the living -- about old prophecies -- about a moonlit landscape -- about a man whose tooth was hurting when he saw christ fall -- about a single bullet -- about how we can't live without chekhov and tolstoy -- about war movies -- a scream -- about a new nation -- about writing chernobyl -- about lies and truths -- people's chorus -- part three. amazed by sadness -- about what we didn't know : death can be so beautiful -- about the shovel and the atom -- about taking measurements -- about how the frightening things in life happen quietly and naturally -- about answers -- about memories -- about loving physics -- about expensive salami -- about freedom and the dream of an ordinary death -- about the shadow of death -- about a damaged child -- about political strategy -- by a defender of the soviet government -- about instructions -- about the facts -- about why we love chernobyl -- children's chorus -- a solitary human voice -- in place of an epilogue (1)
  10. 报告文学 (1)
  11. 普京 (1)
  12. 现代 (1)
  13. 生平事迹 (1)
  14. 美国 (1)
出版社: Fitzcarraldo Editions,   出版日期: 2018.
文献类型: 图书 , 索书号:
出版社: Riverhead Books,   出版日期: 2017.
文献类型: 图书 , 索书号: D751.29/194234
出版社: Penguin,   出版日期: 2007.
文献类型: 图书 , 索书号: I512.45/187260
著者: 葛森
出版社: 北京理工大学出版社   出版日期: 2012
文献类型: 图书 , 索书号: I712.55/44015/2012
出版社: Picador,   出版日期: 2006.
文献类型: 图书 , 索书号: TM623.8/172938