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  1. american society for metals (6)
  2. [by] j.e. burke [and others] a series of four educational lectures ... presented to members of the a.s.m. during the thirtieth national metal congress and exposition, philadelphia, october 23 to 29, 1948 (1)
  3. acidini luchinat, cristina, (1)
  4. american institute of mining and metallurgical engineers (1)
  5. american society of civil engineers (1)
  6. avery, howard shaeffer, (1)
  7. beau dure (1)
  8. belcher, w. e (1)
  9. bidwell, j. b (1)
  10. british association for the advancement of science (1)
  11. burke, joseph eldrid, (1)
  12. by galen duree, jr (1)
  13. by h. s. avery [and others] two series of educational lectures ... presented to members of the asm during the thirty-fifth national metal congress and exposition, cleveland, october 19 to 23, 1952 (1)
  14. by j.b. bidwell [and others] a series of educational lectures ... presented by members of the general motors corporation research staff to the members of the asm during the thirty-eighth national metal congress and exposition, october 8-12, 1956, cleveland (1)
  15. by r.f. mehl [and others] a series of nine educational lectures on precipitation from solid solution presented to members of the asm during the national metal congress and exposition, chicago, november 4 to 8, 1957 (1)
  16. by w.e. belcher, jr., donald robertson [and] w.f. hicks. a series of three educational lectures ... presented to members of the asm during the thirty-sixth national metal congress and exposition, chicago, october 1 to 5, 1954 (1)
  17. ciferri, orio (1)
  18. conducted by institute of metals division, october 17, 1955, (during imd fall meeting in philadelphia) (1)
  19. dure, beau, (1)
  20. dure, leon (1)
著者: Beau Dure.
出版社: Rowman & Littlefield,   出版日期: [2019]
文献类型: 图书 , 索书号: G843.971.2/214013
出版社: Wiley Publishing,   出版日期: 2011.
文献类型: 图书 , 索书号: O43/160028
出版社: Plenum Press,   出版日期: c1983.
文献类型: 图书 , 索书号:
出版社: Rowman & Littlefield,   出版日期: [2021]
文献类型: 图书 , 索书号: B2/227666
出版社:   出版日期: [1954]
文献类型: 图书 , 索书号: