Color Association of the United States
smithsonian american art museum,
national gallery of art (u.s.),
iris & b. gerald cantor center for visual arts at stanford university,
yale university press,
[edited by] barry bergdoll, reinhold martin
[essays by scott a. shields, david pagel, nancy princenthal, ed schad, paul j. karlstrom, and john yau]
abrams & company publishers
abrams, jonathan p. d.,
abrams, nora burnett,
agard-jones, vanessa,
albert glinsky ; foreword by francis ford coppola
albinson, a. cassandra,
alteveer, ian,
alyssa mastromonaco with lauren oyler
american folk art museum
anna mason, jan marsh, jenny lister, rowan bain, and hanne faurby ; with contributions by alice mcewan and catherine white ; foreword by lynn hulse
archives of american art
ardizzone, heidi
armborst, tobias,
arning, bill,