Centre for Agricultural Publishing and Documentation,
a.c. zeven and p.m. zhukovsky
d. noordam
edited by h.m. heybroek, b.r. stephan and k. von weissenberg
f.w.t. penning de vries and h.h. van laar (eds)
heybroek, h. m
international symposium on insect-plant relationships
international workshop on the genetics of host-parasite interactions in forestry
j.h. visser and a.k. minks (eds.)
laar, h. h. van
minks, a. k
noordam, d
penning de vries, f. w. t
stephan, b. r
visser, j. h
von weissenberg, kim,
zeven, a. c
zhukovskiĭ, p. m