Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library,
beinecke rare book and manuscript library
babcock, robert gary,
barton, melissa,
bell, anthea,
brayman, heidi,
edited by heidi brayman, jesse m. lander, and zachary lesser
edited by stephen parks ; architectural photography by richard cheek ; dedication photographgy by ezra stoller ; collection photography by stan godlewski ; with contributions by robert g. babcock ... [et al.]
hauff, wilhelm,
james weldon johnson memorial collection of negro arts and letters (yale university)
kastan, david scott,
lander, jesse m.,
leonard s. marcus collection of children's literature (beinecke rare book and manuscript library)
lesser, zachary,
melissa barton
parks, stephen
wilhelm hauff ; illustrated by lisbeth zwerger ; translated from the german by anthea bell
zwerger, lisbeth,