Battery Division, Electrochemical Society,
electrochemical society
selman, j. r
symposium on molten carbonate fuel cell technology
argonne national laboratory
berkowitz, joan b
bullock, kathryn r
chin, der-tau
claar, terry d
ed. by joan b. berkowitz (and) herbert p. silverman. (sponsored by) new technology subcommittee and electrothermics and metallurgy div., the electrochemical society, inc
edited by h.v. venkatasetty
edited by j. robert selman ... [et al.]
edited by j. robert selman, terry d. claar
edited by kathryn r. bullock, d. pavlov
edited by richard s. yeo, theodore katan, der-tau chin ; [sponsored by] battery and industrial electrolytic divisions and energy technology group
edited by sidney gross
electrochemical division
electronics technology and devices laboratory (u.s.)
gross, sidney,
katan, theodore
pavlov, d