University College London
university college, london
david singmaster, university college london, uk
singmaster, david,
acharya, bobby,
admiralty experiment works, haslar
adrian furnham, professor of psychology,university college london, uk
alessandra vecchi, london college of fashion, university of london arts, uk
allan j organ, formerly of university of cambridge, uk and of king's college london, uk
an international symposium sponsored jointly by the office of naval research and university college london with the support of admiralty experiment works, haslar [and others] ; editors, r.e.d. bishop, a.g. parkinson, w.g. price
baird, jennifer a.,
baker, jack w.,
bale, anthony paul,
balmer, brian,
berry, r. j
bishop, richard evelyn donohue
blundell, richard,
bo?hmer, christian g.,
bos, daniel,
bradley, brendon a
brett, annabel s.,