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  1. american society of mechanical engineers (4)
  2. beck, j. v (1)
  3. boenig, herman v (1)
  4. book, wayne j (1)
  5. by the editorial departments of renmin ribao (people's daily) and hongqi (red flag), november 19, 1963 (1)
  6. die redaktionen der "renmin ribao" (volkszeitung) und der zeitschrifte "hongqi" (rote fahne) (19. november 1963) (1)
  7. fourth annual international conference of plasma chemistry and technology, san diego, california, usa, november 19-21, 1987 ; edited by herman v. boenig (1)
  8. geers, t. l (1)
  9. hongqi (1)
  10. international conference of plasma chemistry and technology (1)
  11. laurenson, robert m (1)
  12. merchant, howard c (1)
  13. presented at the winter annual meeting of the american society of mechanical engineers, phoenix, arizona, november 14-19, 1982 ; sponsored by the applied mechanics division, asme ; edited by h.c. merchant, t.l. geers (1)
  14. presented at the winter annual meeting of the american society of mechanical engineers, phoenix, arizona, november 14-19, 1982 ; sponsored by the dynamic systems and controls division, asme ; edited by wayne j. book (1)
  15. presented at the winter annual meeting of the american society of mechanical engineers, phoenix, arizona, november 14-19, 1982 ; sponsored by the heat transfer division, asme ; edited by j.v. beck, l.s. yao (1)
  16. presented at the winter annual meeting of the american society of mechanical engineers, phoenix, arizona, november 14-19, 1982 ; sponsored by the structures and materials committee of the aerospace division, asme ; edited by robert m. laurenson, umur yuceoglu (1)
  17. yao, l. s (1)
  18. yuceoglu, umur (1)
出版社: Technomic Pub.,   出版日期: 1989.
文献类型: 图书 , 索书号:
出版社: ASME,   出版日期: c1982.
文献类型: 图书 , 索书号:
出版社: American Society of Mechanical Engineers,   出版日期: c1982.
文献类型: 图书 , 索书号:
出版社: ASME,   出版日期: c1982.
文献类型: 图书 , 索书号: