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  1. american chemical society (5)
  2. institute of electrical and electronics engineers (3)
  3. 1984 ieee region 5 conference, april 9-13, 1984, holiday inn plaza, wichita, kansas (2)
  4. ieee region 5 conference (2)
  5. april 10-13, 1994, miami, fl ; hosted by florida international university department of electrical & computer engineering, university of miami department of electrical & computer engineering, the miami section of ieee, region 3 of ieee, florida council of ieee (1)
  6. armstrong, daniel w., (1)
  7. astm committee d-30 on high modulus fibers and their composites (1)
  8. currie, lloyd a., (1)
  9. developed from a symposium sponsored by the division of analytical chemistry at the 191st meeting of the american chemical society, new york, new york, april 13-18, 1986 ; willie l. hinze, editor, daniel w. armstrong, editor (1)
  10. developed from a symposium sponsored by the division of polymeric materials, science and engineering, at the 187th meeting of the american chemical society, st. louis, missouri, april 8-13, 1984 ; lieng-huang lee, editor (1)
  11. filtration society (great britain) (1)
  12. florida international university (1)
  13. hinze, willie l., (1)
  14. hoffmann, john m., (1)
  15. ieee southeastcon (1)
  16. institution of mechanical engineers (great britain) (1)
  17. john m. hoffmann, editor, daniel c. maser, editor ; based on a symposium cosponsored by the division of chemical health and safety and the industrial division of the national safety council at the 187th meeting of the american chemical society, st. louis, missouri, april 8-13, 1984 (1)
  18. lee, lieng-huang, (1)
  19. lloyd a. currie, editor ; developed from a symposium sponsored by the divisions of analytical chemistry, environmental chemistry, and nuclear chemistry and technology at the 191st meeting of the american chemical society, new york, new york, april 13-18, 1986 (1)
  20. maser, daniel c., (1)
出版社: American Chemical Society,   出版日期: 1988.
文献类型: 图书 , 索书号:
出版社: The Society,   出版日期: 1987.
文献类型: 图书 , 索书号:
出版社: The Society,   出版日期: c1987.
文献类型: 图书 , 索书号:
出版社: The Society,   出版日期: 1985.
文献类型: 图书 , 索书号: