Memphis Brooks Museum of Art
african american art
african american women artists
african american women in art
art and mythology
art, american
black people in art
catlett, elizabeth,
christians, black
in art
jesus christ
lachaise, gaston,
laurent, robert,
nadelman, elie,
pictorial works
rosales, harmonia
sculpture, american
united states
women artists
memphis brooks museum of art,
amon carter museum of american art,
catlett, elizabeth,
curated by patricia lee daigle ; contributions by patricia lee daigle [and five others] ; edited by rosamund garrett
daigle, patricia lee,
edited by andrew j. eschelbacher ; essays by andrew j. eschelbacher, michaela r. haffner, ronald harvey, shirley reece-hughes, roberta k. tarbell
eschelbacher, andrew j.,
garrett, rosamund,
haffner, michaela r
harvey, ronald
heather nickels
lachaise, gaston,
laurent, robert,
nadelman, elie,
nickels, heather,
portland museum of art,
reece-hughes, shirley
rosales, harmonia
spelman college
tarbell, roberta k