Mathematical Society of Japan,
nihon sugakkai
aoyama, hideaki.,
aruka, yuji.,
brink, lars,
by ichiro satake
chang, ngee-pong,
claire g. jones, alison e. martin, alexis wolf, editors
edited by hideaki aoyama, yuji aruka, hiroshi yoshikawa
edited by koji hasegawa ... [et al.]
edited by l. brink (chalmers institute of technology, sweden), n.-p. chang (city university of new york, usa), d. h. feng (drexel university, usa), k. fujikawa (riken, japan), m.-l. ge (chern institute of mathematics, china), l.c. kwek (centre for quantum technologies, singapore), c.h. oh (national university of singapore, singapore), s.r. wadia (icts-tifr, india)
eiji yamamura
feng, da hsuan,
fujikawa, k.,
ge, m. l
hasegawa, koji
jones, claire g
kwek, leong chuan,
martin, alison e.,
oh, c. h.,
satake, ichirō,