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  1. frankel, susy, (2)
  2. arbuthnot, patrick, (1)
  3. azar, ahmad taher, (1)
  4. boeijen, annemiek van, (1)
  5. bradlow, daniel d., (1)
  6. brkan, maja (1)
  7. canzler, weert, (1)
  8. carman, susan, (1)
  9. christopher s. reed, adjunct faculty, claremont graduate university, usa (1)
  10. daalhuizen, jaap, (1)
  11. daniel d. bradlow, professor in international development law and african economic relations, centre for human rights, university of pretoria professor emeritus, american university washington college of law; jay gary finkelstein, corporate transactional partner, dla piper llp (u.s.), member of adjunct law faculties at stanford, berkeley, georgetown, and university of pennsylvania (1)
  12. delft university of technology, faculty of industrial design engineering ; editors, annemiek van boeijen, jaap daalhuizen, jelle zijlstra (1)
  13. dian a. h. shah, research fellow, centre for asian legal studies, national university of singapore senior lecturer, faculty of law, university of malaya (1)
  14. dinesh kumar, faculty, jagran lakecity university, bhopal, india (1)
  15. edited by andrew g. mtewa, division of biological chemistry and drug discovery, wcair, school of life sciences, dundee university, dundee, scotland, chukwuebuka egbuna, department of biochemistry, faculty of natural sciences, chukwuemeka odumegwu ojukwu university, nigeria, g.m. narasimha rao, department of botany, andhra, visakhapatnam, i, india (1)
  16. edited by anis koubaa, robotics and internet-of-things lab (riotu), prince sultan university, riyadh, saudi arabia, cister research center, porto, portugal, ahmad taher azar, faculty of computers and artificial intelligence, benha university, benha, egypt, robotics and internet-of-things lab (riotu), prince sultan university, riyadh, saudi arabia (1)
  17. edited by anja riitta lahikainen, professor emerita of social psychology, faculty of social sciences, university of tampere, finland, tiina malkia, postdoctoral researcher, tampere centre for childhood, youth and family research, (perla), university of tampere, finland, katja repo, director, tampere centre for childhood, youth and family research (perla), university of tampere, finland (1)
  18. edited by dagmar simon, wzb berlin social science center, berlin, germany, stefan kuhlmann, chair, faculty of behavioural, management and social sciences, university of twente, the netherlands, julia stamm, founder and director, science leads, berlin, germany; adjunct senior fellow, centre for policy futures, university of queensland, australia, weert canzler, wzb berlin social science center, berlin, germany (1)
  19. edited by james a.r. nafziger; thomas b. stoel chairholder, professor of law and director of international law programs, willamette university college of law, usa and honorary president, international association of sports law; ryan gauthier, associate professor, faculty of law, thompson rivers university, canada (1)
  20. edited by jian ming luo (faculty of international tourism and management, city university of macau, xian xing hai, golden dragon center, macau, china) (1)
出版社: [Faculty of Letters, Osaka University],   出版日期: 1984
文献类型: 图书 , 索书号: TU984/507213
出版社: SAGE, Texts,   出版日期: [2021]
文献类型: 图书 , 索书号: F713.36/238981